Universal Nutrition Animal Fury Sample (1 pc, Green Apple)

A powerful pre-workout formula designed to maximize energy, focus and performance.*
1 pc
Green Apple
Spezielle Ernährungsbedürfnisse
GMP certified
Einheitspreis: 1,26 €/serving
Nicht auf Lager
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GMP certified

Designed to maximize energy, focus and performance*

Bring the pain. The further you advance in this lifestyle, you start to realize what is truly necessary. To grow bigger and stronger consistently, you have to be willing to go to lengths others wouldn’t dare. To stimulate new growth and transcend your physical limitations you have to push through on the heaviest and hardest sets, and learn to embrace the pain. You learn to love the pain of your muscles straining and burning, because you’ve come to understand, that is how you grow. To bring about new development, you must grow comfortable with being uncomfortable… You’ve gotta embrace the pain.

When we formulated Animal Fury, we had that rare mindset in mind. We set out to design a no-nonsense pre-workout powder keg that could help serious lifters stay locked in “the zone”. Combining proven pre-training staples like Citrulline Malate, Beta Alanine, L-Tyrosine and Caffeine Anhydrous all in efficacious doses with a whopping five grams of Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAA), every scoop of Animal Fury packs one hell of a muscle-building punch. Performance. Focus. Energy. That hits hard. No bullshit. And utilizing no proprietary blends, you can rest assured that you know exactly what you’re getting in each loaded shaker cup of Fury.

Precisely dosed with proven ingredients

Constant progress. That’s the bottom line. It isn’t a ballgame or a birthday party... It isn’t always fun. It is the beautiful and belligerent process that can make monsters out of mere mortal men and forge freaks from the flock. It takes time, discipline, consistency and a fair amount of pain, because growth of any consequence hurts. But the agony of great effort is a price worth paying for the glory of victory. It is with an understanding of the unyielding commitment of champions that we built Animal Fury, one potent ingredient at a time. So that when the weights challenge you, you can rise to the occasion, resolute and unafraid... Prepared to dig deep... Ready to bring the pain. Required for:

  • Competitive strength athletes and bodybuilders
  • Serious weightlifters

DIRECTION (1 serving = 1 Scoop (16.53 g))

Mix one scoop of Animal Fury in 12 oz. of your beverage of choice 30 min before the workout. Due to the extreme potency of Animal Fury, it would be advised to start with 1⁄2 scoop and work up to 1 full scoop. Do not consume more than one serving within a 24 hour period or within 6-8 hours of bedtime.


Store product in a cool dry place, away from heat, moisture and sunlight.


Not for use by those under the age of 18. Consult a physician before using this product. If you have, or have a family history of, heart disease, thyroid disease, liver disease, kidney disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, recurrent headaches, depression or other psychiatric conditions, glaucoma, difficulty in urinating, prostate enlargement, seizure disorder, if you are using a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI), anti-depressants, or any other medication, dietary supplement, prescription drug or over-the-counter drug consult with a physician. Discontinue use two weeks prior to surgery. Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Do not exceed recommended dose. Contains caffeine. Do not use if you are sensitive to caffeine. Do not use in combination with other caffeinated products. Do not use if you have high blood pressure, heart problems, or are contemplating becoming pregnant.

Universal Nutrition
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